Yard & outdoor storage management

Yard and outdoor storage management
Manufacturing and logistics companies face a number of common challenges when managing yards and other outdoor storage sites. Often a considerable amount of time is wasted when searching for assets or goods such as parts, products, raw materials, pallets or containers.
Our tracking solutions use different technologies including RFID, BLE, UWB, GPS and more to monitor the location of items in the yard where high volumes of finished and unfished products are widely dispersed across a large area. Using our RFiD Discovery software platform, operations teams can now instantly find individual or groups of assets, saving time and increasing productivity.
Our software provides companies with real-time visibility of assets meaning a significant reduction in the number of items that are misplaced.
Yard management
The challenge
Yard management often involves dealing with high volumes of finished and unfinished goods that are dispersed across a wide area. This can result in time wasted searching for assets, the incorrect container being loaded or unloading overruns and incorrect docking locations being undetected.

The solution
Tracked assets can include stored goods, pallets, containers as well as the vehicles that move them such as forklifts and trolleys. Our range of solutions for tracking assets and inventory in outdoor spaces include the revolutionary LiftTrak solution which uses forklift mounted RFID readers. We also offer solutions using other technologies such as LoRa or GPS.
Expedition control in truck docks
The challenge
Operations managers must avoid logistic errors, such as a misplaced load on the wrong truck or missing items, to save costs and keep customer loyalty. The challenge is to track every pallet or load on the right truck or container, aligned with ERP or WMS orders.

The solution
We have developed a range of solutions to track the location of goods and assets outdoors in real time without the need for manual scanning. Our LiftTrak system uses a combination of an ultra-accurate RTLS solution that positions forklifts in real time combined with passive RFID to identify containers and goods, so they can be located across yards and warehouses. Our outdoor supply chain portals are designed to capture information from RFID tagged goods and assets on passing vehicles. All our solutions integrate with existing ERP or others systems, so key location information is available.
Returnable transport items (RTIs)
The challenge
RTI units like pallets, trolleys and containers must be visible across the closed-loop logistic process: from shipping, storage in an indoor warehouse or yard and the reverse logistics process.

The solution
Our RTI tracking solution allows the location of pallets and goods to be tracked throughout the supply chain without the need for manual scanning. Thanks to our LiftTrak system goods and assets moved by forklifts or other materials handling equipment can be tracked with low cost passive RFID tags without the need for an expensive fixed reader infrastructure.